Saturday, August 07, 2004

E! Online News - "Bunny" Billboard Blown Away

I hate to sound like a prude, but where did out sense of modesty go? I'm not saying that I'd like to move back into the pre-sexual revolution days where everything that might even remotely questionable was banned or burned, but it seems like nowadays that very few people have any sense of decency anymore. I can't believe that I'm here preaching about this, since I'm a huge supporter of free speech, but sometimes you just have to step back and say "wait a minute, this is just too much!" In the story above, we have a fairly obvious breach in what I would consider acceptable advertising. I don't know about you, but if I were to be walking or driving down the street and saw what this billboard had on it, I'd probably run into something. You'll actually have to read the story to know what I'm talking about, because I know my mom reads this and I don't want to say it myself, but it's just ridiculous. To quote from the article, the director and star of the movie says this about the billboard: " "The billboard was designed for sophisticated people, who'd understand the aesthetic, the fact that there's subtext and complexity." Pardon me, but that's a load. There was nothing sophisticated about that picture. There was also nothing aesthetic or complex about it either. That dude is just trying to justify being a pervert. Some people can call it art or whatever, but let's call a spade a spade, it was as close to porn as one could get to outside of the internet! HOwever, to be fair about the situation, I'm really surprised that the board was taken down. That's at least good news.
People have this idea that everything in perfectly okay to do these days. They can say and do anything they want, no matter how disgusting or offensive, and no one should say anything. Does anyone have any idea how this is affecting children these days? Our society seems to believe that the kids growing up today are so desensitizing, but in reality, they are as impressionable as they always have been. Just because they can "ho-hum" sex and violence, doesn't mean it isn't affecting them. I mean think about it, we've got prepubescent girls dressing like street walkers, with their parents permission, and we have little boys talking about things knowledgeably that they shouldn't know about for years. You can't even see the Children's Choice Awards without seeing cleavage. It scares me to death what the world will be ike when these kids grow up. If God even lets us get that far. I mean think about it, there was another place written about where people just indulged in everything they wanted without worry. God leveled that place with fire and stuff. I can't help but feeling that we aren't that far behind.

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