Monday, August 22, 2005

Weekend Update.

I wish I could tell you that I had an eventful weekend, but honestly I didn't. If you read my last post, you pretty much know about the most eventful thing that happened. As for that, I don't have a clue if anything has changed for my friend. I believe that if anything bad had happened since I talked to her mom, someone would have called me, but it's still kinda bad not to know. I supposed I could call the hospital, but I don't want to bother anyone in case she's in a room and sleeping and everything. I'm sure I'll hear something soon.

Friday night, in an attempt to help me not worry about my friend, Steve took me to Cheeburger Cheeburger to have dinner with Josh, and afterwards to Sweet Dreams Cafe where I preceeded to eat a piece of cake the size of my head. I truly, truly wish I cold be one of those people who lost their appetite when they were upset. We were also going to see the Dukes of Hazzard movie, but the projection system for that theater was busted, so we went home.

Saturday was one of those fabulously boring days where you don't really have anything to do, so you putter around. I love to putter. I spent most of the day trying to shovel the junk off the bed in the guest room. Angie has given Steve and I her old bed, which is bigger than the one we have now, so we are going to have to switch out mattresses. I never did get the whole thing finished. I never realized just how much junk can accumulate in a room that no one ever uses. While we were eating lunch, we watched a movie called "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou" or something. I had heard it was hysterical, but it was really only mildly funny. One scene in particular made the whole thing worth watching, but I'll let you find it yourself. We had also rented "Saw" which I've heard is good, but we haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Anyways, Steve had fallen asleep after working in the yard, so it was kind of late in the evening when we decided to go out. I wanted to start my christmas shopping, so we went to Marshall's and then we finally got to see The Dukes of Hazzard. In a few words, I liked it, but not in the same way I liked the tv series. My favorite line:

Big Guy: Hey, Hillbilly!
Luke Duke: We prefer the term Appalachian-American.

Maybe you just have to see it to find out why that's funny. : )

We had church the next day, of course. After church last night, we went to the SpRocket Center and watched some fireworks that were being put on for a group of people who were having a party here. Steve and I got to watch them from the roof since my office has roof access. I'm a sucker for fireworks. I wish I had had my camera, because from our angle, I could have gotten some great shots of fireworks going off by the Saturn V. When we left there, I had asked if it would be okay to go by Wal-Mart to get some stuff we needed. I expected a fuss, because Steve hates to shop, but he was oddly willing to go. I was really only going to get a couple of things, but I ended up getting a cart full of stuff. I was going to price espresso machines, because I had looked for some the other day, and the cheapest one was $299. I actually found a small one for $24! I love Wal-Mart. I've had dates there, I've found bargains's a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, we ended up staying at Wal-Mart for a long time, and didn't get home until midnight. We fed the dogs and put them to bed, and before we went to bed, I had a big glass of Ovaltine. I'd never had Ovaltine before, and in my opinion, it has crack in it. It was really good, but after I had it, I couldn't sleep. In fact, I was wired. It was after 2:00 am before I fell asleep, which caused me to be late for work this morning.

I'm not so sure I am having a good day after that. Observe:

After being late, I struggled in and remembered that I had a task that needed to get done fairly quickly, and for some reason it took me all freaking morning to complete. I still hadn't given my boss my school schedule, so I printed that out for him and realized right then that something didn't look right. I was under the impression that I was going to have a class at night twice a week, but instead it's during the work day. Therefore there is another three hours of work a week that I'm going to be missing. It's too late to change the schedule and I need these classes anyways, so I decided to keep what I have. It still makes me mad though. I wasn't going to take a whole hour for lunch to make up for the time I missed this morning, so I went to the Off Campus Book Store to get my stuff for school (which starts wednesday). I had to go get my books for school which didn't take that long, but when I stopped at another place to get a gift for someone, I ended up standing in line for a while, realizing that it had begun to pour rain, and my windows were open. So I get back into the car and end up sitting in a puddle. When I got back to the office, I hadn't heard from my boss about the draft of a project I sent him, so I've been kind of twiddling my thumbs. I'm probably forgetting to do something as we speak.

One good thing did happen, though. I got my Campus Trial Pack when I bought my books. I know this is sad, but I love samples of stuff. I've decided that the only reason I'm still in college is to get the Campus Trial Pack once a year! : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should call and check on your friend. From her standpoint, a very dear friend has not called to check on her. Do what you would want her to do if the roles were reversed. Also, the positive psychological effects may actually help her to get better.