Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I love spring! Granted, in North Alabama, Spring is a terribly schizophrenic time of year - weather wise. It's cold, it's hot, it's cold, it's warm, it snows and rains and finally BOOM, flowers everywhere! I have terrible pollen allergies, but if I take my medicine, it isn't so bad.

I meant to have some pictures to post today, but I didn't have time to burn a disk to bring to work. Saturday I looked outside and saw our yard blooming, so I took my trusty Kodak and got some really nice snaps of the wildflowers, Bradley - our pear tree, and Mika our "popcorn tree." Yes. I name my trees. Don't judge me. I'll post some of the pictures soon.

In the afternoon, he weather was so warm and nice that I hated to sit inside, so I grabbed my multi-purpose blanket thingie, my camera, my iPod and went to hang out with my boys in the backyard. They get confused when I come outside because I do it so rarely, so they tried to help me spread my blanket by walking on it. They were also curious about my camera and iPod, so they took their time sniffing both of them before losing interest. Bear is very selfish of me when I go outside, so Butler had to go hang out by the fence and not provoke retribution. Bear decided that I should only pay attention to him, so he flopped onto my pillow and rolled over to have his tummy scratched, and I, of course, did it. I'm a sucker for dogs, I can't help it. If I stopped scratching him for any length of time, he would stand up and bat me with his paw. That sucker has some sharp, stabby claws! At one point, I was trying to ignore him and enjoy the sun, and he batted me across the face. My nose has a long scratch on it now. BOO! I was finally able to get a good picture of Bear, though. He doesn't usually photograph well since he's almost completely black, but the angle of the sun was just right and you can finally see his cute face. I wish I could get a picture of his "Border Collie Smile" but he tends to want to eat my camera if I point it at him too long. Poor Butler just did his own thing. I tried to call him over, but he just ran along the fence and barked at stuff. He was happy, so I left him alone.

Soon it's going to get hot and I'm not going to want to go outside at all. I hate hot, humid whether. I always have. When I get hot, it makes my stomach hurt. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. My aversion to hot weather would make more sense if I were lithe and delicate, but it seems strange for someone built like a female tackle. You can ask my mom, though. Strangely enough, the drier heat out west doesn't do that to me. I just don't like that kind of hot, but at least it doesn't make me sick! YOU'LL HAVE TO TRY HARDER TO KILL ME MR. LEE! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAaaaaaa.

Anyways, Saturday was a beautiful day. I went outside. Go me.

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