Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm curious... What do you fine people think on this subject? Seriously, I want comments.


Greg said...

I have a lot of lifelong, great friends. I was blessed with more than I needed. 4-5 of them are close enough to count for a best friend. Any of them could be my best friend were it not for the other friends bottlenecking them in. It's a log jam of friends. I've been blessed.

When pushed for a "best friend", it would have to be Stephen, assuming you can include relatives.

So...using Stephen as the prototype "best" friend, I'll describe what makes him a "best" friend.

Complete and total loyalty. You don't need to question what side he's on when you have a problem....he's on your side.

He is completely comfortable around you, so that he can be himself. And, you can be yourself. It doesn't matter if you call on different sides on an issue, because it doesn't change the fact that he's your best friend. He doesn't have to pretend to NOT be a sci-fi geek around you.

Dances on and breaks your CD's because he doesn't care about your things (no wait....I can't use that one).

He can bring up your history together because he knows everything that ever happened to you both.

To sum's the loyalty and comfort level and history. What things does he do? He shares himself without fear of rejection.

This is sounding mighty gay right now. Look....he's an alright fella, OK? Geez...

Kenny said...

I love you. You're perfect.