Monday, February 02, 2009


1) Happy Groundhog Day! It's a shame there won't be a parade.

2) I hate bag pipes. I hate them. When I hear them, I want to howl like a dog. They make me aggressive. I once went to a wedding that had a bagpipe player, and it was all I could do not to hurdle the pews and strangle the man playing it with his own kilt. I can't explain my hatred, though!

3) I painted the new paneling for Steve's man room on Saturday, and I must say, it looks nice. We even picked out a non-gay color this time. It's called Storm Cloud (or some such thing) and it's a nice grayish-blue. I like it much better than the brick paneling that he had before.

4) The people next door are selling their house. That means a whole new set of neighbors to do inadvertant weird stuff in front of! Wheeeeeeeee!

5) More later. I got stuffs I got to do.


Anonymous said...

You don't consider that you had anything to do with the move, do you? ;)

I love bagpipes. Jon and I still fight about the fact that I wanted a piper at my wedding. Guess in this case you side with him!

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Beautiful One! I, too, HATE bagpipes. They are mournful, sad, and that one continuous long weird note gets on my last raw nerve. To me bagpipes sound like a herd of sheep having really, really, really bad sex with a monster from outer space and all parties involved are whining about how bad it is. I'd rather hear fingernails on a chalk board.

My post is appearing as anonymous, but you know me as Coco's Mama who has been kidnapped by a snow and ice monster who won't let go. We're expected to get another three inches today (Tuesday). I hate, ABSOLUTELY HATE, winters in Indiana. Spring lasts one week, summer lasts two weeks, autumn lasts one week, and the other 48 weeks are winter with gray overcast skies and friggin' snow and ice. I would say "Poot on it" but the words would freeze before they got out of my I'll just say "Poo........" and watch the rest of the comment evaporate into mouth frost.

Love ya!