Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oy vey.

So far this has been the strangest morning! I ended up oversleeping after I had woken up, decided not to go to the gym, and gone back to sleep again. I had the weirdest series of dreams that had me all discombobulated as I was trying to actually wake up. When I finally managed to get out of bed I sat down at my computer to check the news and weather and managed to get caught up reading something stupid which made me late getting ready. After that I was late for work, whereupon I remembered that I had forgotten to finish a project my boss had given me to do, I missed our marketing meeting (and I just bet it will be the first one in a long time that had something important for me to hear) and I almost slammed myself into a wall while carrying a set of frames dowstairs. I am also dizzy and sniffy due to my allergies, I keep having hot flashes, and I think I may be breaking out in hives!


Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to my happy place for a while.

1 comment:

Kenny said...

Nice place you have there. Heh.