Monday, February 28, 2005

I work with some mean people. Now, I'm not one to throw stones because as we all know, in the immortal words of Ouiser, "I'm not as sweet as I used to be". But today I was surprised at just how mean these people I normally like so much, can be. I've told you about the new guy that started working with us not long ago? Well, apparently everyone has decided that they aren't even going to try to be nice. Granted, the boy can be a little...much. He's kind of hyper and he wants to get into every conversation, but seriously, he's a very sweet guy. He called in sick today, so that gave everyone ample oppourtunity to pick him apart. They just hurt his feelings so much every day, and there isn't anything I can do. I've seen him get tears in his eyes after talking to them, but I don't know what to say to make him feel better. He just wants to be friends. Granted, he needs to tone it down, but that doesn't give anyone the right to act that way. I told them I thought they were being mean, but they just laughed it off. It makes me feel so bad for him. It amazes me that people who are so senstitive about being hurt themselves can be cruel to other people.

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