Monday, April 03, 2006

Not such a good day yesterday. Mr. Lee called us early (about 9:00 am) and told us that Ms. Rhonda had gotten sicker in the night and that they might have to consider the possibility of putting her on a breathing machine. Steve and I both knew that she wasn't well, but we didn't realize that it had gotten that bad. We went down there to be with them for a while. Ms. Rhonda really doesn't look good. She labors to breathe, but she can still breathe on her own and she is still alert enough to know what we are all saying. However, she's incredibly weak and with all of the medications she's on, you can't understand what she says when she talks. Poor Mr. Lee and Steve. Lee can't really talk about any of this without choking up and it's hard to see Steve, who doesn't exactly express emotions freely, cry. I think they are preparing for the worst at this point.

I just feel so helpless. I want to be strong for both of them, but I'm a basket case. I'm always trying to cheer people up and make things better, but there is nothing I can do in this case. There is nothing that I can do to make this better. There is nothing I can do.

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