Friday, August 04, 2006


I just read an artical about Rob Schneider (the guy who yelled "You can do eeeeet!"on the Waterboy movie) that said he would never, ever be in a movie with Mel Gibson. Mr. Schneider is 1/2 Jewish and didn't appreciate the anti-semetic comments that Mr. Gibson made while drunk. You know, I can totally dig the fact that what Mel said ticked him off. No one likes to have their race and heritage made fun of in any way. Sheesh, down here in the dirty south, racism isn't exactly a foreign concept to understand, you know? I suppose what I think is really funny about it all, is that Rob Schneider is making a big public statement about how he wouldn't be in a movie with Mel Gibson.

Rob, honey, bless your heart, I don't think that was anything you needed to worry about in the first place. Well, not unless his next movie needs a dirty cajun guy to stand on the road to Gethsemene and yell to Jesus as he passes by "You can do eeeeeeet!"

Great, now I've got a visual. :)

In other news, I'm feeling pretty strange today. I don't think I've been sleeping well lately. Steve has Restless Leg Syndrome or something, so every night just as I'm falling asleep, he starts doing RiverDance. He doesn't even know it's happening until I wake him up. I know he can't help restless leg syndrome, but if something doesn't happen soon, I'm going to develop restless kicking his butt out of bed syndrome! :) Kidding... Actually, I think the feeling strange is a mixture of several things. First off is Steve's nocturnal Lord of the Dance impression. Then I had to go to the doc yesterday and he gave me some medicine that makes me sleepy. I also already take medicine that kind of makes me hyper, so right now I'm in a state where I'm pretty sure I would be able to move things with my mind if I wanted to. I'm afraid I'm going to fall asleep facedown on the keyboard. I suppose that if you see a post on here that is all nonsense (or at least more than usual) you'll know it happened.

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