Wednesday, August 09, 2006

You know, someone brought up a good point the other day. I know way too much about Star Wars to be healthy. Granted, I live cheek and jowl with about 3 dozen Han Solo figurines and every imaginable format of Star Wars media (including the horrible Christmas Special. If they had that DVD in Abu Ghraib, not one of those prisoners would have ever had to get naked to be tortured.) But I digress... For someone who maybe only saw the third (or sixth, if I don't want to get yelled at) movie until 1997 or whenever the re-release happened, I know too much. I know a song in EWOK language, for the love of Pete! Help're my only hope....

Onward to other news!

The other day, Steve and I realized that someone had stolen something from our house. It wasn't anything particularly dear to us, but still, that isn't the point. I have mentioned before that we had a bottle of Steve's mother's pain meds at our house. It was in the medicine cabinet and because I have the habit of scanning the shelves while I brush my teeth, I knew exactly where it was and how everything in there is arranged. Saturday evening as I was getting ready to go to the movies I happened to scan the stuff in the medicine cabinet and noticed that the top shelf looked different. Everything was pushed over to one side and one bottle was sideways. I didn't think much about it until I reached up to straighten the sideways bottle and realized that it wasn't the one with the pain pills in it as I thought it was. I looked around the bathroom to see if it had been moved, but never found it. I asked if Steve had moved them and he said he hadn't, so we kept looking until we were sure it was gone. The only rational explanation we have is that the guy who came in to spray for bugs took it. He is the only other person to have been inside our house in the past couple of weeks. Steve wasn't with him when he sprayed the bathroom, so he could have taken it easily. Neither Steve nor I wanted to accuse the guy of anything, since we didn't have concrete proof, but he is the only person who could have taken it because our house had not been broken into in any way. Plus, it was the only thing taken and I can't see someone getting into our house and heading straight for the bathroom and touching nothing else. At any rate, we haven't heard back from the bug people and I'm sure it will come down to our word against his, but I don't think I would trust the same sprayer to come into our house again. Stealing and lying are two of the most despicable things a person can do. Even though we weren't using the pills, it doesn't make it any better! If I ever found out for sure he was the one who took them, I'd like to beat him about the face and neck with a pair of my shoes!

We also got a new garage door! Woo-Hoo! It actually looks nice and works! I need to take a picture and show you the before and after so you can understand why I'm excited about it. Normally such things are of little interest to me, but if you have ever had to live with a peely, orange garage door with dents in it, you'd be excited too! : )

Now I need to make myself get to work. I'm procrastinating more than usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That's interesting and worrisome news about the pills.