Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bleh. I had a very busy weekend as well as what has turned into a very tedious week. I'm going to tell you about it, but not right now. I'm just too...bleh.

However, just so you know I'm still alive, here's a picture of me. Photoshopped beyond recognition, but still, a picture of me. Enjoy.

I should probably look into these self loathing, not-willing-to-show-real-pictures-of-myself issues one day. :)

OH! While I've got you here, and before I go to bed, I just wanted to let you know that my mom's test results came back and they were clear of cancer! I'm so glad. Apparently what they found on her mammogram was an "overlap of tissues" which looked bad but turned out to be nothing. Thank you for your prayers!


Kenny said...

You look so cute in inverted, embossed, solarized, filtered Photoshop!

Kenny said...

And you look even better in the normal photographic sense.

The Hill Freeman Library & Spruill Learning Center said...

Oh, I'm so glad about your mom!