Thursday, March 20, 2008

I have this idea that I like to call the "Nexflix Theory."

If you and your significant other have a Netflix subscription, go and look at the cue. The movies placed on the list by the other person have a direct relation to the amount of time they want to spend with you. If their movies are movies you both enjoy, then you are good! If they are movies that only they enjoy, then it's bad.

I just looked at our movie cue, and it has become apparent to me that Steve must want a divorce.

Dear God, he's in there watching a really, really, really bad movie called Collier & Co.

I'm not kidding, it's really very bad. It's so bad I had to leave the room. The fact that I can still hear it makes me want to shove a pencil up my nose, pointy end first, and slam my face into the top of my desk.


Kenny said...

When we do different things we're also displaying different tastes and independence.

This is why I don't watch American Idol.

Tae said...

Steve watches movies and tv CONSTANTLY. His Netflix choices play a significant role in whether we speak to one another on any given day or not.

So...maybe my Netflix theory doesn't apply to everyone, but it certainly does for me. My life revolves around crappy TV shows and bad movies. Whee.

So, no American Idol? Way to be independent! What else do you do by yourself? :)