Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yesterday I found some easy recipes for Japanese food that I could make ahead of time and pack for lunches. Nothing fancy, though. I've been reading about bento boxed lunches and like the fact that they are basically small portions of foods with a lot of different variety. A lot of Bento lunches are very elaborate and cute, with food made into animals, shaped rice, and things cut into shapes. I don't want to get that fancy with my lunches, but I was mainly looking for something more interesting than what I normally bring. One of my daily reads is a blog called "My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch" where the writer bascially takes a picture of her bento lunch every day and posts recipes and things. I was intrigued! I found a couple of recipes on her site I thought would be good. I made a list of a few things I'd need to buy in addition to my regular grocery items, and bought them when I stopped at Target after work. My problem is, now I can't remember which recipes I looked up and I have no idea what to do with the stuff I bought yesterday. I could go through all of the recipes on her site, I suppose, but not only would that take forever, I really only bought staples like rice and wonton wrappers - which are in more than one recipe to begin with. Oh well, I am just going to have to get creative. I'm good at creative.


Anonymous said...

Aunt Brenda, also unknown as "Anonymous," has had this happen countless times. By the time I have the ingredients I have no idea where or what the recipe is. I hope you are creative and get to use them before they go out in the trash!

Anonymous said...

That web site is oddly hypnotizing. I can see why it's one of your regular reads. (My only daily read, besides friend-and-family blogs, is Go Fug Yourself).
Creative lunching would be a worthwhile experiment for me, as I am poor and hungry and trying to eat healthier...

Anonymous said...

Ooh, you know what? She lives in Atlanta and lists a couple of Atlanta establishments where she gets her stuff... want to take a field trip next time you visit?

Tae said...

Yes! Field Trip! Field Trip!