Sunday, April 19, 2009


SATURDAY 4/18: I don't think it's normal for people to eat as much as we have since we got here last night. Granted, I was so hungry when I got here and I was fed like a prize willing sow, but Grandma just keeps feeding us. This morning Grandma made a huge breakfast: bacon, eggs, biscuits and everything and she almost literally made us eat. Mr. Lee had caught some kind of bug and wasn't hungry, so it fell to Steve and I to eat all of this food. I say it fell to us, because Grandma wouldn't let us leave the table. She kept handing us food and telling us to eat. We'd tell her no, and she'd put the food on our plates! I finally had to admit defeat and physically remove myself from the table, but I had eaten way more than I wanted so that it wouldn't hurt her feelings. I love Grandma very much, and I've learning something about her in the past couple of days. I think she really wants to take care of us and do things for us, but because she's 86 years old, she's kind of limited to what she can do. She can still cook, so cooking has become her big thing to do for us. During breakfast she talked about other places we could eat. I'm sure Mr. Lee was loving this, because even though we didn't realize until later in the day, he was really sick.

Today was the day of the actual family reunion, so we loaded up the van and set off to see the family. I've really only met Steve's family members a couple of times before, so going to his family reunion is almost more awkward that going to my own! Literally, there are just a few people that I know, and the rest are complete strangers that have no idea where I fir into the picture! Luckily the family I DO know are really nice, so I at least had someone t talk to. Steve was no help, because he just did like he always does and sits in a corner not talking to anyone. He doesn't take the burden of talking to people on his shoulders at all! Aarrrrg! However, it wasn't a bad time, because I got talked into playing a domino game called "Mexican Railroad" which took up most of the time we were there. We actually ended up having fun, so it wasn't a bad day at all. We talked with Steve's cousin Cynthia, who he grew up with, and had a nice time.

Once we left the reunion, Grandma wanted to take us out for pizza, because she knew of a place she really liked and wanted us to try it. The way she described it, I thought it was going to be like Cici's or something along those lines. It actually turned out to be more like a Chuck-E Cheese kind of place, but not a chain. It was full of kids screaming and playing games. It wasn't terrible or anything, we enjoyed the pizza and got to talk, but we were so full when we left (after eating at the reunion and everything) that we pretty much just came home and lay about for the rest of the day. Mr. Lee, who had seemed fine while at the reunion, got worse once we came home, but he lay down and we watched TV until bedtime.

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