Sunday, April 19, 2009


SUNDAY 4/19: I actually had to talk Grandma out of fixing another huge breakfast for us this morning. I managed to talk her into just letting us have cereal, but she made up her mind to make toast, coffee, orange juice, and chocolate milk. I'm going to weigh a thousand pounds before I leave here tomorrow!

We were supposed to go to church with Grandma this morning, but poor Mr. Lee isn't feeling any better, and then Steve came down with whatever illness it is. We have no clue what is wrong, but it's like the stomach flu without the fever. Then, right before time to get ready, Grandma said she wasn't feeling well. I doubt we'll go to church, because everyone's laying down but me.

So far I'm OK, but I'm just waiting until it gets me. I'm afraid! I don't want whatever it is and I wish none of them had it!

Ha! I just re-read that last part and it sounds like one of those movies where there is one lone survivor of some kind of zombie plague, and that was the last entry into the journal that someone finds years later after everyone else has disappeared. :)

Ooh, I hope it's not a zombie plague.

LATER: OK, strike that. Grandma and I went to church services. It didn't matter that I said I wanted to stay with Steve and Mr. Lee, apparently I will always be a 5 year old to some people. Unless I stoop to yelling at them (and quite frankly acting 5 years old) that is going to be the way things have to be. Fun stuff. At any rate, Grandma's church is huge. Since I was a new visitor, I also got a swag bag! Nice. We stopped and got Mr. Lee and Steve some Gatorade before we came home. I hope they're better tomorrow. I'd hate to think of them feeling this bad on a long drive.

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