Thursday, March 25, 2004

I'm so tired!

I went to Wal-Mart yesterday to get some plants with the intention of starting my flower bed. I got 6 tulip plants and 3 azalea (did I spell that right?) bushes. We are supposed to be tilling up the ground right in front of the house, but we haven't gotten to that yet, so I grabbed the shovel and hoe and went to town on a 5' x 3' patch of ground in front of our walkway. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get through the grass roots and clear enough to plant the durn things! It looks funny though! We have a tiny little plot, completely detached from anything else, and it looks more like a vegetable garden than a flower bed. The tulips look like a row of corn, and the daffodils look like onions. All that work and it looks like a victory garden or something! Oh well. As soon as we can finish it up, hopefully our house will look as landscaped as the others on our street. I'm not so much trying to "keep up with the Joneses" as I am hoping that they aren't plotting to have us moved out for not being lawn monkeys! Seriously, almost everyone on our street is either retired, and they have plenty of time to work in their yard, or they are lawyers or executives who can afford to have it landscaped professionally. Sigh. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid, but I just get the feeling that our neighbors think we're bringing down property value! : )

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