Friday, January 07, 2005

Wow, I just read an interesting tid bit. Did you know that, on average, one teaspoon of honey is the output of the lifetime labor of twelve bees? That's a tiny little thing to take so long to produce. Kind of like me getting my bachelors degree, I guess.

I was stupid yesterday. I took back those DVDs that I rented the other day, but I forgot to put the DVD in one of the cases I returned. I had to put the movie in a CD case and put it in the night drop box this morning. I was late to work. SIGH.

Has anyone seen my husband lately? I sure haven't! : ) Nah, he just went to sleep at about 6:50 last night and didn't get up until this morning. I can't believe he went to bed while I was watching something scary on tv. He left me unprotected with scary TV shows! The GALL! Actually, what I saw was scary, but interesting. There is a show on Sci-Fi that is called Ghost Hunters. These guys from somewhere up north have a business called TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Searchers or something like that) and will come to your house or business and see if the place is haunted. Last night they were at this old lighthouse and they took a lot of video and what-not. When they got the footage home and were looking to see if anything happened, on one of the tapes they saw something that freaked them out. What happened was that this one guy was alone in the attic trying to record EVPs and he wasn't getting anything so he left. The video camera was still rolling and you could the chair he was sitting in. Everything is quiet and the CHAIR MOVED BY ITSELF. Not the kind of movement that might happen if it was settling, it actually moved across the floor. They had the video analysed and could find nothing in the room that could have moved the chair. No one was on the island with the researchers except the crew, and the way the camera was set up, it was filming the whole room and there was nothing in there. I thought for a second that someone might have pulled a string or something to move it, but it moved AWAY from the door. Of course that was the perfect time for me to get a reflection in my glasses that scared the...well, scared me a lot. Freaky, man.

Well, that's all I've got for now. Keep us in your prayers this weekend!

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