Friday, March 24, 2006

OKAY! Apparently Jason will not let me live it down until I fix it, so let me fix it. A couple of entries ago, I made a link to our Save the Saturn V website, but the link was wrong. You may find it here. Are you happy now?!

I went to dinner with the IT department from Steve's work last night. I was the obigitory spouse and only woman with the group other than the boss. I made the mistake of asking a tecnical question and even though they tried to explain it to me in simpler terms, the explanation just kept getting longer and longer. Note to self...if you have questions about cmoputer stuff, look it up on Google. We had a great time, but after dinner was over, I got sick. It wasn't the normal kind of sick. It was the "makes Ebola and the Bubonic Plague pale in comparison" and you start making out your will just in case you don't make it to tomorrow kind of sick. Who knows what it was, because I felt much better this morning. As a good friend of mine says, maybe I just got a "holt" of some bad chicken. : ) Through the haze of yuck, I finished my paper for better or for worse. In the words of everyone's favorite guy, Han Solo, I have a bad feeling about this. I know the teacher won't say anything to me specifically, but she always writes little notes on the papers she grades and she grades HARD. I dread getting it back and she hasn't even read it yet. Oh well... Now if I could just finish my Flash project and make it to summer.

I'm getting all of my hair cut off tonight. Hopefully it won't end up looking like that travesty that happened right after I got married (screams of terror), but I have to do something! As much as I want long hair, it just won't do anything anymore. It looks great for about 15 minutes every morning, but by the time I get in the car, it's like wearing a dead weasel on my head. So to combat road-kill hair, I'm chopping it off. : (

Well, I need to get busy with some work or a reasonable faximile of it at least. Even if you don't have anything specific to do, it's nice to look busy sometimes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cmoputer?? let me decipher that..... c=see, mo=more, puter=pooter; so we have.... see more pooter.