Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sorry about the lack of posting lately, but I've been having trouble with my internet at work. Not that I think anyone is angry or in any way diminished by my lack of posting, but sometimes it just feels like one needs to apologize. Right?

Well, I won't bother with a weekend update, per se, because for the past week and a half, I've been enjoying a super-sized weekend and quite frankly, I don't remember most of what happened. As I said before, my lay off (loop hole so that the Sprocket doesn't have to give me benefits for working 40 hours a week or so) started the 27th and ended on the 8th. I cleaned, I slept, I took care of some business that needed taking care of. It was lovely. I didn't get as much of the house as clean as I wanted to because I just had too much other stuff going on, but I got the big and potentially dangerous stuff out of the way, so I'm good.

I thought that I'd be spending New Year's Eve alone this time, but Steve surprised me and got home from his trip that afternoon. After a long nap, we watched the two DVDs worth of "Lost" that I hadn't been allowed to see while he was gone, and we watched the tail end of the ball dropping thingie. I had my video camera out, but if you saw the video, it would mostly consist of me showing off my paper cranes and my hand petting the dog. It was low key, but I was glad of that. Sometimes low key is nice. Butler, however, made a party faux pas and stuck his tongue into my glass of sparkling cider. That is just rude, no matter what species you are!

I started my classes today and I think I'll enjoy them, unless something terrible happens. My 19th century art history class has one of the most laid back and soporific-voiced teachers in the whole of UAH. I've had him as a teacher before, so it's not going to have to be much of an ajustment. The only thing I'm going to have to watch out for is his voice putting me to sleep. He looks the part of a history prof, too. Picture baggy chinos, crazy hair, and a Bill Cosby sweater over a plad shirt. He also has a brown corderoy blazer with patches on the elbows. He's almost...almost...a charicature of a professor. He's cool, though. My second class, History of Theater I, is different than other classes I've taken because I'm in there with *GASP* theater people. Not to knock them or anything, but some of them are a bit on the melodramatic side. I've also got Alabama's answer for Kevin Federline in there with me too, but he's really smart. It's funny to hear him talk because he sounds so ineloquent, but he knows so much. My books for that class cost almost as much as a tank of gas! : ) I'm going to love selling those back at the end of the semester.

I have a strange feeling that my history class may not be the one I'm supposed to be in, but I've got an e-mail in to my advisor and hopefully I am wrong. Fingers crossed!

Well, that is all for now!

1 comment:

Kenny said...

More posts! Now!