Friday, March 30, 2007

Another Me-Me Quiz!

All My Exes...

1. Your name?

2. Would you kiss your Ex one last time if you had a chance to?!
Some of them, sure. I dated a lot of good kissers!

3. How many boyfriends have told you they loved you?

4. Have you ever thought that you were going to marry that person?
Twice, but only seriously once.

5. Are you crushing on someone?
What kind of question is that for a married woman? *whistles and looks away*

6. Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?

7. Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
I don't think so. It'd be pretty funny if I did, though.

8. Are you happier single or in a relationship?
I always try to be happy either way, but it is nicer to have someone to snuggle with.

9. Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
Only once, and I'm still rather ashamed.

10. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Oh, yeah.

11. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I don't think any of my exes were attached enough to be heartbroken over me.

12. Think any of your ex's feel the same?
Who knows? I doubt they think of me much.

13. Do you believe that you are a good girlfriend?
I can be, but I can also be an unholy terror.

14. Have you dated people who were not good to you?
Yes. A borderline pedophile, an emotionally abusive jerk, an unbalanced psychopath and a liar. Not necessarily in that order. Bastards.

15. Have you been in an abusive relationship?
Sort of. I punched Jason Harris in the head. . . twice. Does it count if it were me who was abusive and if they really deserved it?

16. Have you dated someone older than you?
I've always dated older guys.

17. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Maybe not everyone, but it's OK sometimes.

18. Do you Believe in love at first sight?:

19. Do you want to get married?
I don't know. It's an awful big commitment.

20. Do you believe in ex's being best friends?
Yes! I'm very close to some of my exes.

21. Does heart break really feel as bad as its said to be?

23. Would you date one of your best male friends?
If I were single, or at least really sneaky, yes.

24. Have any of your ex's called you by a nickname after the breakup?
Jason still calls me "Sweetie Darlin' Head" when we see each other. I'm sure some of them still refer to me as "Bitch."

25. Do you regret any of your relationships?
Don't we all?

26. Who is an ex you think about most often?
I think about all of them from time to time, but probably Kenny, Jason and Tadd the most.

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