Wednesday, February 25, 2004


I had yet another dream about an ex boyfriend! (I'm sure you noticed, but I talk about my dreams a lot. They facinate me!) I dreamed that I was at a party, and my ex, the one who was 24 when I was 17, was there. Now, I didn't like him much when I was dating him, I know this now. I was flattered that a guy so much older wanted to date me. Anyways, I was eating something and holding a book (?) and he walked up to me. I was surprised to see him because I haven't seen him except for once since we dated, and I couldn't figure out why he was with my friends. He came up to me and said "Well, Kelly, I haven't seen you in a long time. Looks like you've been going downhill ever since." Even in my dream, that hurt my feelings! I stood there feeling worthless for a while, but then I got furious! I threw my book at him! I have wicked good aim when I'm mad (ask Steve). I don't really remember anything else because I woke up so mad! Anyone want to interpret that for me?!

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