Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Holy Rusted Metal, Batman...sugar-free jello is gross! Is it not enough that I know I'm eating the by-products of bones, hooves, and stuff? Must it also taste like that? ICK!


The Smartest Man in the World, Engineer Nelson, had this to say about the "Sasquatchian Dollar":

I was reading Kelly's blog and saw the comment that your were trying to
explain the "Sasquatchian Dollar" and the economic principle of flooding the
market. I did some research and found the following website where there is a chart of the Sasquatch economy. You can clearly see from the chart the "Sasquatchian
Dollar" has no influence on the Sasquath economy at all. A few merchants
are rumored to have accepted the Sasquatchian Dollar, however, none have to
date admitted seeing them or accepted them as real currency. Walmart was
unaavailable for comment. It is so visibly absent from the economic chart,
that one has to wonder if it even exists at all.

Oh, it exists alright. I did a little Google search, and someone has actually taken a picture of the elusive dollar:

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I hear a lawyer at the door with the divorce papers. : )

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