Monday, February 20, 2006

I inadvertantly set my brain on "Stupid" today. I suppose it's because the knob is on top of my head where I can't see it. SIGH,

I didn't want to go to school today, but I had a project due and couldn't get out of going in, or so I thought. I knew that it was supposed to be icy last night, but when I looked out of the window, it didn't seem like anything more than just a kind of messy, overcast day. I found out differently when I went outside to get into Rudolph. He was covered in ice. I don't mean he had ice in the nooks and crannys, I mean he was COVERED with ice. When I got the door finally pried open, I started it up and grabbed the can of De-Icer from the back seat. I'm thinking that something called De-Icer must be something that will melt the ice, right? Not so much. The De-Icer actually froze on top of the already existing ice, making my windshield a shell of opaque, rock hard frozen matter! What the heck? At this point I knew that I was already going to be late, but there was nothing I could do about it. Usually when we have a project due, it has to be turned in at exactly 8:30 am, no exceptions. Not exactly fair, but understandable in a way, right? I finally got the ice cleared off of the windows, at the expense of my fingers which are always cold anyway, but practically dead at this point. Well, I have to find a different way to get to school because the Parkway is closed, and I do, making me even later than I thought I would be. When I finally arrive, the teacher hands my envelope containing my project back to me and tells me he had extended the deadline. That's OY number 1. Then he says that I can use the rest of the class time to work on it. OY number 2, because I left my jump drive at home. So I decide to use that class time to study for my Ancient Greek Art History exam that I would be having later in the day. I went into the art building student lounge, but someone had left their kid in there. Now, I can't say anything about this. Very probably someone couldn't find a sitter due to the weather and since he wasn't at school that day, she brought him to school. I can totally dig that. However, I couldn't spread out and use the table with him in there, so I left and went to Barnes & Noble to take advantage of the cafe. That would have been a really good idea if everyone else hadn't had the same idea. I ordered and finally found a table, and I begin to study. I studied for three hours non-stop (much to the chagrin of the cafe personnel who I'm sure would have appreciated the table) and I went back to school to take my exam. I don't know what happened, I don't know where my brain was, but apparently it wasn't in ancient Greece. I do not have a good feeling about the grade I will make on this exam. I couldn't do anything more than guess at the fill in the blanks, and the essay questions seemed unusually badly answered for me. I just handed it in and came home. Now I'm sitting in the dark and wondering if it's too late in my college career to change my minor!

Wow, I just saw a commercial for a Be Dazzler. What fresh hell is that? I thought we'd finally gotten rid of those. I mean, who in the world still Be Dazzles? Somewhere, the owner of a flea market booth silently cheers.

My sister told me that her preacher was going to give a sermon on "Homie"Sexuals. I couldn't even respond. Why does she come to me to be taunted? Why?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a normal Kelly day to me!
