Monday, September 25, 2006

After this weekend, I feel as if I should be in traction.

All in all, the weekend was almost uneventful. I slept a lot, listened to "Pride and Prejudice" on the iPod and did the dishes. I've also become violently addicted to Tetris, which Steve installed on my PC. I can't stop playing it! I've turned into the "Just one more game and I"ll stop" person. Sad, I know.

Very exciting stuff, no? :0)

Actually, I had a rather relaxing weekend except for two things.

Saturday I was at my desk in my office. Both of my big computers are on one desk, so it's easy for me to transfer images and files without having to run across the room. I was doing something (can't remember what) and I rolled my chair from one computer to the other. I grabbed the edge of the desk to pull myself back to the first computer and somehow the leg of my chair caught on something and I went over. Hard.

*I'll stop here for a moment so you can giggle.*

Had I not been holding on to the edge of the desk when I fell, I'm pretty sure I would have been badly hurt, but I ended up catching myself before my head hit the floor. The rest of me wasn't that lucky. Imagine, if you will, hearing a loud "THUMP" and walking into the room to see someone lying on the floor, one leg caught on the chair and the other flung over into a box of art supplies, one arm on a pile of books and the other hanging onto the edge of the desk for dear life. Then add in some whimpering, and that is what Steve saw when he ran into the room to see what the sound was. I'll give him credit, he did show concern and try to help me up before he laughed! :) I actually had to lay there for a few minutes to make sure I hadn't damaged anything important. I did manage to pull the muscles in my left arm catching myself on the desk and I hit my tailbone on the arm of the chair when everything hit the floor, but other than that, I nothing was damaged but my pride. Steve stopped laughing long enough to help me up and I limped around the house for a while. I eventually did lay down for a bit once the stuff I hurt caught up with me, but it wasn't so terrible. I did, however, end up flling asleep and not waking up in time to make a dinner date we had with our friends. :( Later that evening there was a wonderful thunder storm, so I got to fall asleep listening to the rain. Gotta love that!

Sunday when I woke up, I was more sore than I thought I'd be, but it still wasn't that bad. Our church picnic was that day, so I spent the morning at church running back and forth between cooking and doing my secretary stuff. The picnic was a big success. Not as many people showed up as we thought, but it was mainly because it had been raining earlier that morning, and I suppose not everyone thought a rainy picnic would be that fun. Fortunately the rain stopped and the day was cloudy, but otherwise lovely. I took a lot of pictures and played 4 games of vollyball! That is where I hurt myself the second time this weekend. I'm a decent vollyball player, but I don't get to play hat often. In fact, I haven't really done much of anything that active since school started. Since there were a few people batting the ball around, and the sides were uneven, I joined the side with not enough players and we started a game. It was really fun, but I ended up hitting the ground as much as I hit the ball. I like to throw myself into vollyball (plus, I'm clumsy). Out of the 4 games we played, my team won three of them! Playing helped to work out the kinks of my fall the day before, but it gave me a whole new set of kinks that I didn't realize I was going to have! I was so tired by the time we got home, I fell asleep for a little while and when I woke up I could barely move! That pretty much proved that I need to move around more! :P

Steve and I watched "Empire Strikes Back" (again) while we had dinner. Apparently Star Wars has new DVDs out that have the original versions of the movies on them. The whole "Han Shot First" thing and no Jabba the Hutt in the first movie and all of that. I was confused as to why Steve wanted the movies since he already has the original versions of the movies on VHS. When I asked him, I got a dissertation about how these are the original versions without the added scenes in, PLUS the fact that they are on DVD rather than VHS and yoda, yadda, yadda. I think I finally pieced it together in a way I can understand.

Seems to me that it's like having 3 pairs of the same shoes. One pair is the original pair you bought. Then you have a pair in the same color, but with a shiny gold buckle added on. THEN you get another pair, just like the first pair you owned, but newer and no scuff marks. I hope that's close, because after we talked about it for a while, I just got more confused.

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