Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Have you ever done something so stupid that it took more than several days before the stupidity of what you did sank in?

I have!

See, it's like this. Sometimes when I'm about to do something really dumb, my mind says to me in it's clipped British voice (which is strange, seeing that I'm not British) "Oh Deah, that seems sew unwise!" Sometimes I listen to it, and sometimes I think back at it "SHUT UP YOU LIMEY BRAIN! WHO WANTS YOUR OPINION?!" Well, I didn't listen.

Normally, I would regale you all with my actions, seeing that I like to make you laugh, but because the absolute idiocy of what I did makes me die a little every time I think of it, I'm going to keep this one to myself.

So why did I bring it up if I'm not going to specify? Well, because the stupid finally caught up with me. I was walking along, minding my own business, when suddenly I felt as if something was creeping up behind me. I turned around to see what it was, and BLAM! Hit in the face with a whole blob of stupid. The trouble is, I can't wash this stupid off! Oy vey. You know how normally telling people that you've done something dumb makes you feel better, even when they make that hissing sound by sucking air over their teeth (because they know how you feel)? Well, basically I just want the relief of telling you I'm an idiot. So start the hissing, folks, because I deserve it. I did a dumb thing that can't be taken back. I mean, it's not going to kill me or anything, but it makes me feel so dumb. I suppose it should make me feel better that I know I could have made it 100% worse and I didn't, but all the same...yuck.

Please pity my stupid. :( That is all.


Anonymous said...


thanks for lending us your husband

Tae said...

You are quite welcome. Feel free to borrow him any time. :)

Anonymous said...

Attention readers - Complete the following sentance:

Kelly, I cant believe you [insert your idea of dumb thing here].

Anonymous said...

{insert hiss here} the suspense is killing me. dont write about stupid things you did if you dont want to tell us what you did!!