Friday, September 15, 2006


I finally applied for Graduation in the spring! *happy dance!*

I stopped by Charger Central and payed my $20, and that was that. In a way, I was expecting something much more complicated, but I'm glad that I didn't have to deal with jumping through hoops for it. I'm wondering why they need a further $20 to process my application, though. I'm so in debit with them from student loans that I'm going to be paying for my own education until any children I have start college, but I'm not going to complain too loudly. :)

I literally had to remind myself not to do flips in the hallway for two reasons: 1) There isn't an awful lot of room in the UC for acrobatics and I didn't want to kick out someone's office window and 2) I've got about as much grace and agility as an athsmatic manatee, and I don't know how to do any flips - - ergo, I didn't want to hurt myself. However, the desire to flip about and tap dance was there, even if the ability was not.


I still can't hear out of my left ear and it's starting to get irritating. It's been stopped up for the duration of this sinus infection I've been trying to get rid of, and it feels like there is something stuffed down in there. I don't love it.

There is something else I wanted to say, but it escapes me at the moment. I'll be back...

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