Wednesday, July 25, 2007


- When an insurance company decides to give away free gas at a gas station near your home, leave for work at 4:25 a.m. It doesn't matter that the give away doesn't start until 9:00 a.m. You will wind up late for work because every cheap hastared in your town is going to park in the street in the hopes of getting free gas.

- When you have animals in your house, especially fuzzy ones, there is going to be a time when you move a piece of furniture and find a whole animal worth of fur underneath it, even if you've never see the animal near that spot before. Gross.

- Bento boxed lunches make so much sense! The Japanese are quite clever!

- Several months ago I spent many long and messy hours painting a sign to go out into Rocket park. This sign was the bane of my existence, and was only one of two I was supposed to have completed. When I finished the first one, I passed it on to maintenance so that it could be erected by one of the rides it was intended for. I never started on the second one, for one reason or another, so that was the only one the SpRocket had. Yesterday, after being told that the COO demanded that I repair the signs outside (the same ones I had been working to replace) I called and asked maintenance if the first sign I had finished was ready to be placed. I had wondered why it had never been put outside, since I had handed it over while I was still in school. What do you think they said? Oh, it was in the Bus Barn when it caught on fire. What do you think I said? Well, you'll just have to imagine because I will not write words like that in my blog. Now I have to start all over!!!!!!!! GLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRHHHHHH! *bangs head repeatedly against the desk*

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