Tuesday, April 22, 2008


1) Here is something I don't understand: I was just reading IMDB.com's "news" section, and for the past two days, they've been running a story about how Cameron Diaz's ex-boyfriends came to her father's funeral. Is this really news? I mean, I don't consider the "News" section of IMDB as hard-hitting journalism in the least, but let's pretend for a second that the things that they report are important in some way. Is it so odd that her ex-boyfriends came to support her? Guys I dated in the past came to my dad's funeral, too. No one reported that in the Athens News Courier. Of course, I didn't date Justin Timberlake (and honestly wouldn't now that you ask. I don't care if he can bring sexy back or not.)

2) I can't seem to stay awake this morning. I came into work early because Steve and I have been carpooling since gas as gone up to $3.59. I was reading something on my computer and suddenly found myself waking up. I had to dose myself on caffine and vitamins to get where I am now, and that is only a semi-sludgy consiousness. I'm really only writing this entry right now to keep from keeling over onto my keyboard.

3) Speaking of the price of gas, I'm so glad I got rid of Rudolph. I miss him, and the sound that the engine made when I revved it, but I would have to sell a kidney to buy a week's worth of gas for him. I thought Lois would be less expensive, but even filling her up cost over $40 now. If it gets much more expensive I'm going to have to just start riding one of my dogs into work. I think Butler could handle it, don't you?

4) I'm sad to have realized recently that I have recently lost a place very important to me. I won't go into deatail because I'm fairly certain that I'd sound weird, but it was kind of like a real-life happy place for me. Hopfully I can explain sufficently. I don't know about you, but there is a part of me that needs to get away from my every-day self once in a while. I know what a blessed life I live, but sometimes even that can crowd up on a person and make them feel all smothered. I used to have this place where I could go and I didn't have to be anyone's wife, sister, daughter, or co-worker. I mean, I was still those things, but I wasn't defined by them. I love the people I'm around on a day to day basis, but I have to be a different kind of Kelly than I am on the inside when I'm around them. At this other place, I could just be the me that I liked the best, which is not the person I can be here. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's the closest explanation I have. Anyways, I never realized how important that place was to me until I discovered that I couldn't go back to it. Well, I could go back, but it's been changed too much. If I did go back, I'd have to hang all of those things onto myself that I always left behind before - and that makes it just like anywhere else I could go rather than the special place it was. I realize that I'm not making any sense, but it's the best I can do. I'm just mourning the passing of a place I loved (more than I realized), and it's hard.

5) We are teaching the dogs to walk on leashes! They are doing much better than I thought they would, honestly. We can only take them out one at a time, but Butler and Bear seem to be amiable to the idea when they go out. The only problem is that they are just as out of shape and we are, and they show it. Butler starts walking slower and slower, but at least he can make it back home. Bear stops and rolls over on his back when he gets tired. Sometimes I wish I could do that too! However, soon enough, they will get better at it and maybe they will make us take them for a walk rather than the other way around.

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