Tuesday, April 01, 2008


1) I have carpenter ants in my bathroom! I mean, they aren't swarming or anything, but every day I find six or seven of them in my bath tub, kind of wondering around aimlessly. We've sprayed all over the bathroom in hopes of getting rid of them, but they don't seem to be bothered by the stuff. I think the main problem is that we don't know where they are getting in, so if we can find that, it'll all be gravy. My biggest problem isn't the actual carpenter ants, though. It's all the tiny whistles when I'm getting undressed to take a shower!

2) I went to the post office yesterday to send a package, and it was so crowded. Usually, if I have anything to mail, I will go to a Mailbox Etc. or something. However, yesterday, I just happened to be closer to the actual post office. Now, here is something I don't understand about the people you see when you go there. It's usually a given that there will be a line. Usually, there is a long line. If you go into a post office and expect to breeze through the place, you're just a fool. But there are always - ALWAYS - those people standing in line who seem to be so upset that they have to stand in line. It's so stupid! The lady and man behind me kept up a running commentary on "why is there always a line?" and "I can't believe there is a line this long!" and "Someone must be on break." I don't normally lost my composure at complete strangers, but I came close yesterday. Why are people so impatient? Not only that, but the lady acted like she was so burdened because she had a mail bin to hold on to. I'm serious, she came really close to pushing me out of the way so she could set it on the counter until she saw I was holding a box. She said "Oh, I see you have a package too" and stepped back. She also kept pushing me forward with her basket, as if that would somehow make things go faster. The only thing she would have gotten faster, if she had kept it up, was an ass kicking.

3) Sorry to be so ranty, but I have another one. When I was heading home, there was a backup of traffic on the parkway that was pretty serious. I mean, it wasn't stock still or anything, but it had slowed to a crawl. Apparently there was an accident at one of the exits, so people were having to be careful getting around them. I don't like being stuck in traffic, but sometimes it happens. Here is what bothered me, though. People were honking their horns. Not at me, but all around me. Do these D-Bags think that by honking at the person in front of them (the person who isn't at fault for the traffic jam, by the way) that they can get through faster? No. It simply makes them look like even bigger D-Bags. This is a fairly new occurrence around here, though. I'm wondering where these impatient-horn-honkers actually come from. I'm also wondering when they are going to go back there. When I finally reached my exit, we got stopped again, so we were sitting on the exit ramp waiting. Another guy tried to pass me on this exit. PASS ME ON THE EXIT! There is no interpretation of any driving manual that says that's OK. I could see him inching up beside me, very slowly, like I wasn't going to notice. I just turned my head and stared at him. I gave him wife face. He must be married because he seemed to know what that look meant. He looked at me and then looked ashamed and stopped trying to get past me. Sheesh.

More to come...

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