Friday, April 11, 2008


1) Yesterday turned out to be such a beautiful day! When I got out of work, the weather was warm, but not hot, a breeze was blowing, and everything was so bright! I decided it was time to pull the top down on Lois and crank the radio. The ride home was lovely, because it was perfect weather for driving a convertible. However, when I got home, I realized I was covered with a thin, grainy layer of pollen and I had to wipe off my face and arms. It was still totally worth it. :)

2) Speaking of spring, I finally have flowers in my front yard! I don't remember planting these particular flowers, but I have a group of the prettiest yellow/red tulips growing behind my mailbox. Seriously, I have no idea how they got there. I planted iris there. Oh well, they are still pretty. We also finally have blooms on our westeria vine! Of course, out of all of the flowers I've planted myself...we have nothing. :(

3) The ants seem to be tapering off! I was in the bathroom yesterday looking around and I actually thought they might be gone. Of course, as soon as I thought that, I saw one crawling on the window ledge waving it's antenna at me in a taunting manner. I'm telling you...they know more than we give them credit for.

4) I misspelled the name of the chairman of our commission board on his parking sign. *shame* To be fair, I may have been given the wrong spelling, but since I already had his name on another sign down there, I should have known better. Of course, no one else noticed for a month or more, so I'm not the only one here that doesn't pay attention.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I have a question about your cat pictures.

What is this phenomenom with the crazy cat speak? Can you enlighten me?

Thanks for the Fried Coke recipe.