Friday, April 25, 2008


1)Did you go and look at the pictures of my flowers? I know, I many close ups of flowers do you care to see, right? I couldn't help it. Seriously, I'm just proud that something I planted has lived long and prospered. There is a picture of a piece of pie in there too, just to break up the monotony.

2) I feel wretched! I've run out of one of my allergy medicines, which makes me all sniffy and sneezy and I overtaxed myself when Steve and I went on a walk Wednesday evening. I know how much of a weenie I am, but I have wanted to get into some kind of exercise habit. We were walking Butler, who tends to get tired very quickly, so we couldn't go very far. I decided that to make up for the lack of distance, that we should all climb the hill on the opposite side of our street. That probably doesn't sound too bad to you guys, but the hill is so steep that my car has trouble going up it, so I don't know what I was thinking. Butler made it up the hill fine. Me, I was just ready to lie down and die. I managed to pull muscles and almost pass out. Something tells me that being that out of shape can't be good. I also feel as if I could be coming down with a bug. Do Not Want.

More later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Lucy and Lola would like to take a walk on their leashes? I've been hesitant to take Lola for a walk because I didn't want her to get the idea it was okay to wander off.