Saturday, April 26, 2008

RANTY THINGS - No, I'm not in a bad mood. I'm just being opinionated! :)

1) I'd like to go ahead and tell you what the two most useless pieces of advice are:

A) "Don't Worry About It" - Really? You mean that when you have a problem, you can solve it by just not worrying about it? That. Is. Genius. No, seriously! Who would have thunk it? Everything can be solved by just NOT worrying about it! Amazing. Here I've been, all of my 30 years, thinking that a problem is something you are already worried about - ergo, that's why it is a problem. Now someone is telling me that I can fix my worries by not worrying? I feel like such an idiot for not coming up with that on my own. Really, someone should call the White House and let the president in on this.

B) "We All Have To Do Things We Don't Want To Do" - Really, now? Well, thank you! I certainly didn't know that. I can't imagine why I thought I could just ignore all of the unpleasant things in my life and let other people deal with them. I've been schooled. Now I have no questions about the fairness of life! No, really. I thought I was coming to you to get a bit of sympathy and possibly ask for advice on how to deal with what was bothering me, but I now see how wrong I was. Thank you very much. That was very helpful, Admiral Obvious. Yeah, you've been promoted.

2) The people who shop at the South Huntsville Sam's Club are rude. Maybe I'm just expecting too much courtesy out of the general public, I dunno. The store wasn't crowded or anything, but people were just leaving their buggies in the center of the aisles and looking all "Oh, you want to get by?" when I was trying my hardest to squeeze my own cart by. Of course I didn't want to get by. I was doing an experiment on whether or not I can push a shopping cart through a space more narrow than the cart by compressing atoms with my mind. It wasn't working, so I'm glad they saw my problem! Also, why do people feel it's OK to stop in front of you while you are looking in a freezer window, and proceed to have a 20 minute discussion? Is this their way of calling "dibs" on the frozen shrimp? Are they afraid I'd buy it all? I don't know. Also, and I'm not complaining about the fact that the little motorized carts exist or the fact that some people are unfortunate enough to have to use them, but why do those people act as if you are doing something wrong if you pass them with your buggy? I got the stink-eye from some dude who I pushed my cart next to. Dude, I'm sorry, but I can shop at a greater rate than you can. This isn't the highway and I'm not obligated to stay behind you while you drive 2 miles an hour. I'm not going to interfere with your shopping, but I do need to get past you.

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