Saturday, October 29, 2005


Something I forgot to add in my post about my trip back to Athens. Since I wasn't sure that I would have my bearings if I drove down the highway, I drove into East Limestone so that I could go into "town" the way I used to. As I drove, I kept seeing these signs that puzzled me. They said: "El Indians", "El Gas Station", and "El...whatever". I kept thinking to myself that I couldn't understand why those signs were there because I knew East Limestone didn't have a large Latino population. It dawns on me (much later than it should have) that the signs weren't saying "El Indians", they said "E.L. Indians". Boy, I felt stupid. I mean, how could I not remember that?! I was only subjected to "E! L! S! Go Innians!!!!!!" *spirit fingers* for 9 years.

By the way..."Innians" is not a mispelling. It's the way our cheerleaders said "indians", along with "card-null and whyte" for our school colors. It's amazing I learned to speak english.

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