Thursday, May 04, 2006

Imagine, if you will, me sitting down at my home computer to check some e-mail. Suddenly, the quiet of the house is broken by a scream and a thump.

Of course, the first thing I think is that my arachnaphobic spouse has come across an 8 legged creature. However, when said spouse doesn't come running into the room with me and demand I kill the thing, I start to worry. I wait a minute, thinking that certainly Steve will come walking into the room any second to tell me what happened, but he doesn't. Still waiting, I call out his name, but get no answer. Immediately my mind fills with images of finding him unconcious and bleeding because he fell and hit his head. I also had a weird, horror-movie feeling that I might get to our room and not find him at all! So I start walking down the hall and the door to the bedroom opens, and out comes Steve, Butler, and Bear. Steve has a look of horror on his face, and Butler seems to be laughing at him. Apparently, Steve was shaving with his electric razor and the dogs snuck up on him. Since he couldn't hear them walk in, he was blissfully ignorant that two very mischevious animals were sitting behind him just waiting for the right moment. As soon as the razor turns off, he hears a muffled "murf" sound and a cold, wet nose rubs up the back of his leg. He screamed like a girl and had to have jumped ten feet into the air for the sound of his landing to have been that hard. Butler, Bear and I thought it was funny. Steve wasn't as amused. : )

I also watched Herbie: Fully Loaded last night. I've never been a big fan of the love bug myself, but since it was on, what the heck. I have one major problem with this movie. I can look past the sub-par acting, the obvious display of Lindsey Lohan's chest, and the lame-ish plot. It was a Disney movie, after all. These are the same people that created an empire on a talking mouse. What I can't get passed, however, is the fact that this car, this obviously self-aware car, didn't freak the heebies out of everyone who comes in contact with it! Seriously. There is only one car in the history of cars that is allowed to be self-aware and David Hasselhoff has to be the one driving it. KITT I can stand, he's not scary. Herbie, he scares me to death.

One last thing, and then I shall get to work. Steve and I stopped at Coldstone for ice cream after dinner last night. I ordered something with the words Strawberry blonde in the name. I read what it would have in it, nothing scared me, and I watched the girl make the thing. Then she does the unthinkable. She mashes a banana in the middle of my ice cream! There was no banana in that list of things that go into my ice cream!!! I kept thinking maybe she had made some kind of mistake and that she would start over, but noooooooo. She packed up that stuff filled with mashed bananas and handed it over to me. I didn't know what I should do! I felt bad saying anything because I guess I could have stopped her from putting it in there, but I thought maybe I had misread the list of stuff and she wasn't doing anything wrong. A "My Bad" situation, if you will. So I payed for it and walked back past the board with the flavors on it. I was right, no bananas! I suppose I could have taken it back and been a heifer about it, but I don't like to do stuff like that. Of course, I didn't want to eat anything with bananas in it either. I hate bananas. I fear bananas. However, I also ate that banana last night because I'm not going to let good ice cream go to waste. I just closed my eyes and thought of England. Aside from the banana, it was really freaking good!

I'm off!

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