Monday, January 07, 2008


1) Steve and I went to see "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" this weekend. It was very good, if you can see past Nicholas Cage and his scene-chewing-bad-actorness. I love the kinds of movies where puzzles and clues need to be solved. I wish I were clever enough to have an adventure like that, but I don't think my brain would think fast enough to solve any puzzle in time for me to find what I need to go on to the next clue. I'd be killed by the bad guy before I made it past the first task. :( I wish there was a better actor playing Ben Gates, but it IS a testament to the movie to know that even with a bad actor, I still enjoyed the movie. They remind me a lot of the Indiana Jones movies, which are three of my all time favorite films for ever and ever amen. If you want to know the main dividing line between Steve and I, it's the fact that I think Harrison Ford was better as Indiana Jones and , of course, he thinks he was better at Han Solo.

2) I feel like warmed over death this morning. I am either getting a massive sinus infection or a bad cold. Yesterday morning at church I felt it coming on, but I honestly thought I was just in a bad mood. Turns out I get kind of bitchy when I don't feel good! sad. It's a wonder that Steve doesn't think I've got some kind of chronic disease if that's the case. I realized when I got to mom's house that I was getting sick when I was too tired to stay longer than an hour and I couldn't do anything but sleep when I got home. I didn't go to church that night because I didn't have the energy to get into the car. When I got to work this morning I began to over vitaminize myself in the hopes that I can make it go away. I hate being sick!

3) I got to see the new American Gladiators last night and I love it! It's so bad and cheesy, but so much like the old one that I can't help but love it. I always loved to see the conestants getting knocked down with giant q-tips and shot with tennis balls. It's too funny. I was, however, scared of the gladiators a little bit. They are huge and frightening. I didn't get to see the whole show, but there was one chick on there, a contestant, that was one tough chick. She was a 25 year old mother of two, and a Marine sergent who had already done her tour of duty in Iraq. She was a tiny little thing, but she was kicking butt and taking names. I want to be her when I grow up. Well, without the tour of duty and possibly without the kids. I'm fairly certain that I don't want to be in the Marines and the jury is still out on whether or not I'll ever want kids. She was awesome!

4) Gak, I have to cut out about 200+ parking passes for the Davidson function. :( Oh well, it'll give me something to do until I get the signage orders for the new building. I hope everyone gets to come and see the new place when it opens to the public. It's amazing! I have some pictures already from my brief tour, but the Saturn V is still in it's plastic wrap. I'll post them when I get a chance to format them.

5) I just joined a Flickr group called "Photogamer" that Amy told me about. It's so much fun, but I have to take pictures of some odd things. Oh well, it's fun to see what everyone else posts. :)

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