Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ooooooooh, Ijust realized that this is my 400th post! Woo-hoo!

However, what will really bake your noodle is whether or not I would have posted that if the dashboard hadn't told me what number I was on.

There is no spoon...

Anyway, I had forgotten to say anything in my last post about my grades. They were officially posted today. I made an A- in Medieval Art History, an A- in Lithography, and a C in Algebra. I NEVER HAVE TO TAKE A MATH CLASS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*flips on iTunes to K.C. and the Sunshine Band and does a celebratory happy dance*

*pauses to write a little more*

Next semester I will be taking my first 400 level Graphic Design course, Ancient Greek History, and a one night a week Yoga class. I'm excited about everything but the Greek History at this point, but I'll at least have a better idea how to handle the coursework since it's the same professor.

*resumes music and happy dance*

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