Tuesday, June 24, 2008


1) Apparently it wasn't food poisoning. I had some kind of stomach virus or something similar. Now I feel bad for trashing what was left of mom's wedding cake! :(

2) Do you know what is almost as good as thinking you see a friend at a store, running over to greet them, and realizing it isn't them just in time to detour and not to embarrass yourself? Thinking you see a friend in a store, being detained from running over to greet them, feeling kind of bad you didn't get to say hello before they were gone, and then finding out later that the friend wasn't even in town, couldn't have been the person you thought it was and you avoided embarrassing yourself by accident. Yeah.

3) It's perfectly natural for someone who knows you not to remember everything about you, right? Even the unusual stuff, mainly because they have their own thing going on and can't think about you constantly. However, is it normal for you to forget things about yourself? I Netflixed (is that even a real verb?) the series "The Tudors" and was watching the first disk when I suddenly remembered that years ago, Josh and I used to take lessons for medieval court dances with Huntsville's SCA? We were good at it, too! How could I forget that? I had forgotten we ever even went to the SCA meetings. We were going to join, but for some reason or another we didn't. Wow, that would have sent me crashing over the edge of the Geek precipice, wouldn't it? Probably for the best.

4) Speaking of that fabled Geek-Precipice. I don't know how many of you watch the new Dr. Who, but I for one love it. No, I don't think you understand. I. Love. It. I've been kind of sad about it recently, though, because I found out that it's going on hiatus until 2010. Well, excepting Christmas specials and the like. I really like David Tennant (meow) in the role of the Doctor, and who knows if he'll be back in the role when the show returns. So, we were watching the show on Sunday (Steve downloads the new episodes from England instead of waiting for them to be broadcast from BBC America, so we are one episode ahead) and they showed the previews of the season finale, and it is going to be geek paradise. Not only are they going to have the Doctor and his current companion, Donna, they are going to have Martha Jones, Rose Tyler (sqee), what is left of the Torchwood team (double squee), Daleks, Sarah Jane and her kiddies, and pretty much every one and everything of awesomness that has been a part of the new Dr. Who world since they revived the series!!! YAY! My head went *poof* and I think I might have an idea of how Steve feels when he finds out there is a new Han Solo figure he doesn't have. My transformation into a super-geek is complete. No more cool points. Take my dollies and go home. Am I proud of this? Not really, but I figure I had nothing to lose after telling you I took lessons in medieval court dancing.

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