I'm so unfashionable.
I used to think it was beacause I wasn't the stick person that designers seem to create things for, but I found out that it's just that I have no idea what is stylish and what isn't. For those who know me, you know I'm a jeans kind of person. If I go out, I'm in jeans. My tops vary wildly, but in general I'm very casual. Since the onset of the yoga pants era, I've been even more so. I mean, I am married, I should be allowed to be sloppy, right? Heeheehee. At any rate, the reason I'm basically swallowing my own tounge over this is because Steve and I were invited to a wedding reception at the Botanical Gardens in one of those frou-frou, we have more moeny than God, after 7:00pm, Steve-has-to-wear-a-tie kind of things. Well, goodie for Steve, but what do I wear? I begged him to ask the lady who invited us, but she hasn't been available. So he asks another lady who tells him she is going to wear palazzo (?) pants and a beaded jacket. And this helps me, how? With very few exceptions, I do not wear a beaded anything anywhere that I can't win a tiara and a scholarship. I'm sure as heck not going to wear palazzo pants! I've asked around, but the answers are all different. Cocktail dress, simple black dress, sunday dress, black pants. I've consulted the internet and all I found were things that cost more than a semester in college or looked like a Mormon sunday school teacher exploded on the poor model! I've even done the unthinkable and looked in my own closet to see if there was anything useful (and if it tells you anything, apparently Steve doesn't think a black and purple velvet vampire gown is appropriate for a spring reception. Darn it!)
Someone call those gay guys from Bravo...I need some serious help.
Ooooh, what about this?
Well, it isn't black... ; ) I mean, yeah, it's a Star Trek uniform, but it's not black!
Also proving my point...look at the hair. SHE BANGS, SHE BANGS!
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