Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Yay! I fixed my computer so I can write in my blog at my desk. Apparently I accidentaly blocked cookies from and that's why it wouldn't load when I'd come to the site. I finally figured out how to unblock them! Go me!

Some of the techno-weenie has finally rubbed off on me.

I rule.

Anyways. Yesterday I went to the doc and found out I have a sinus infection. I didn't think it was all that bad, but now I'm on antibiotics and various other types of things. Well, I will be as soon as I go to the pharmacy and get them. This is why I'm temporarily narcoleptic, apparently. I hate sinus infections, but I seem to get one every year. I guess I'm just too delicate. heh...

I embarrassed myself SO BAD yesterday. While I was sitting in the exam room, I kept trying to pull these strings out of the front of my shirt that I noticed sticking out. The one I had on had some embroidery around the neck, and it looked like it was falling apart. I also kept getting tickled on the arm by this funny little tag sticking out of the side seam. After leaving the office, I had a little time to kill, so I went to a shop to walk around and after I had been there for quite a while I realized that my flippin' shirt was on inside out and it had been since I left the house. It had to be obvious to everyone who saw me, but no one said anything! I was finally able to fix my shirt, but the embarrasment remained. This totally explained why I kept getting funny looks. There are just not enough rocks to crawl under when you're in public, you know?

I'm so ticked. Granted, I know that there are plenty of explainations that are possible, but right now I don't think I'd accept any of them. The wedding invitations that I made have still not been picked up. I tried calling the girl, but the only phone number she gave me has been disconnected. Now, I can understand a lot of things if they are brought to me and explained. I, however, can not understand being left with 100 invitations and 50 programs (all under charged for, and completely useless to me or anyone else) and an unpaid bill, with no word from anyone. I had counted on the money I was supposed to get to cover some checks I wrote (which is my fault totally, and I'll admit to it. It doesn't make me any less aggravated, though) and now I'm pretty much boned. Grrrr.


Anonymous said...


Ever wonder who is more pathetic, someone who posts their life on a blog? or the person who reads it???


Anonymous said...

a swimsuit, now shirt, will be a shoe check to see if they match...


Tae said...

You truly suck, whoever you are! ; ) heeheehee