Wednesday, May 18, 2005

This is not a great way to start my day!

I was just yelled at for about 5 minutes by the most unreasonable, hateful, selfish woman I have ever had the misfortune to have to deal with in my career as a call center agent. I would love to say that it was out of sheer love for her daughter that she was pounding me to the floor, but alas, in my heart, I know that isn't true. You know something else? It wasn't even our fault that the mistake was made, but she blamed us anyways. I mean, she came out and said it was OUR fault, when clearly it was not. The deal is this, her daughter is supposed to come to camp with a friend. To be on the same team, each child has to be signed up for the same program and same track, or learning area. When the mother of her daughter's friend called in, she signed her daughter up for the wrong track. I had to call lady #1 yesterday and tell her that this had happened and she was MAD. She crawled my case and then told me, yes told me, to have it fixed. I told her I would see what I could do. I was called by the camp manager and told that nothing could be done. I mean, he's the camp manager, so I told him not to worry about it, if he couldn't do it-he couldn't! Well, this morning we get a nasty little fax from this woman basically reaming the reservations department for making this huge mistake and saying that she would elevate the situation to whatever heights she needed to to get her way. Before I go any further, let me say this: We tried to fix this for her. We gave her no reason to believe that we weren't trying to do what she wanted. We actually went through some trouble to figure out how it could work out before I as told it wasn't possible. Okay, so the camp finally figured out a way to move the her little girl into the same program as the other girl-this should make everyone happy, right? Absolutely not. Lady #1 proceeded to ream me out AGAIN because we weren't able to move the other little girl into the program HER daughter was signed up for. It took all of the resolve I had not to lose my temper, and believe me, I am hungry, hormonal, and I have a short enough temper with people like her anyways. I actually had to say a prayer that I wouldn't "get into the flesh" with this woman and tell her where to go and how to arrive there safely. I tried to explain, but it wasn't good enough for her. Now she will be calling to speak to God only knows who...probably the CEO who will not only let her have her way, but uproot the entire workings of that week of camp because he doesn't understand how things really work. I also called the program manager to tell him he will probably have to speak with the lady himself, and just realized that he didn't authorize the girl to move into the new slot, so now I think I might have gotten someone in trouble.

Now I just want to go home and hide under the bed. I also need chocolate...IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!

What makes this so bad is that the camp bent over backwards to try and rectify the situation. People like that woman should be slapped with a flip-flop repeatedly until they cry.

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